Friday, October 9, 2009

WOD 10-8-09

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, things have been busy

Yesterday we did this for time:
1/4 mile run (6 laps)
20 v-ups
21 thrusters (10#s)
***3 times***

I accomplished in 18:33 and it felt good!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

WOD 9-16-09

I loved this workout! This one we made up and called Man on Fire:

As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes of:
run 1/4 mile
20 flying burpies
20 v-ups

I got 3 rounds and 1 lap around the gym done! I can't wait to build on this one!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weigh-In 9-15-09

I am down 4lbs this week! I'll take it, even though I owe most of it to having the stomach bug yesterday. Hopefully I can keep it off.

Time for One Month stats:

Weight: Lost 5lbs
Waist: Lost 2.5"
Hips: Lost 2"
Thighs: Lost .5" off each

My wish is that I keep to a schedule like this and I'll be at my goal weight by long as I don't go crazy over the Holidays!

Friday, September 11, 2009

WOD 9-11-09

Oofda! I am gonna be sore tomorrow!

The $%&*!!

20 dips
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
rest for 3 minutes

**5 times!

Accomplished in 32 minutes!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

WOD 9-9-09 & 9-10-09

I decided to do two in a row, just because after my eating binge in Chicago...I really really needed it!

*9-9 $%&*!!
walking lunges across the gym
jump rope for 5 mintues
half balance ball squat and throw to partner 50 times
1 min regular planks
1 min side planks/each side
30 second push-up planks x 2

*9-10 $%&*!!
ran around small duck pond (.9 miles)
25 jump-ups
8 regular push-ups
12 'girly' push-ups
50 cross sit-ups
ran around small duck pond
25 jump-ups
20 'girly' push-ups
50 cross sit-ups
10 jump-ups
***Time: 30 minutes

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weigh-In 9-8-09

YUCK! I gained 5 pounds over the weekend, but that's to be expected with the eating and 35+ hours of sitting on my behind in the car. Didn't get a chance to workout before we left or even during vacation, so I will have to work extra hard the next couple weeks to get it off. Good thing I am away from the land of temption ;)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

WOD 9-2-09

Another great work out last night!

The $%&*!!

*3 laps around gym
25 box jumps
*3 laps around gym
25 balance ball push-ups
*3 laps around gym
50 medicine ball sit-ups (side to side)
*3 laps around gym
25 box jumps
*3 laps around gym
25 push-ups
*3 laps around gym
50 sit-ups
*3 laps around gym

and in case you're wondering, 12 laps around gym = 1/2 mile
I will be missing Friday's WOD so instead I am going to try to run the duck pond and stop every mile to do jump-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups. This weekend we are off to Chicago and the land of the best pizza in the world...dont' expect much of (if any) a weight loss this week!